Congratulations to the whole project team who brought this project to life.
Ormiston College’s Centre for Learning & Innovation was last week announced as Winner of the 2021 ALIA Library Design Awards – School Libraries.
This is BSPN’s second win in a row for the biannual Library Design Awards, having also taken out the previous 2019 awards for the Centenary Library at Anglican Church Grammar School.
The Ormiston College Centre for Learning and Innovation, officially opened in 2019, has quickly become the learning and social epicentre of the College.
Set across the largest interactive floorspace in Australia, students have access to programmable drones, Australia’s first holographic wearable computer, 3D printers, writeable glass, and a green screen studio to make science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) projects come to life. Innovation and problem solving is encouraged using STEM spaces such as the large Makerspace, Print Lab and Design Lounge as well as a dedicated Virtual Reality Lab and Media Lounge for holographic work, where innovative technology is at the forefront. Two libraries service the Junior and Secondary Schools, a recording studio with green screen technology and an outdoor stage to encourage performance and support the growth and development of communication skills.
Ormiston College Principal Brett Webster said the flexible space encourages collaborative teamwork as well as self-regulated individual study to be entirely reflective of real-world working environments.
“Our students will be ready to step into any university or workplace with confidence, having experienced the benefits of learning in an interactive space that is truly reflective of society’s modern, divergent, flexible and dynamic thinking.
Mr Webster said the Centre for Learning and Innovation has effectively allowed the team at Ormiston College to reimagine the delivery of the curriculum while providing a futuristic space to connect, collaborate, innovate and learn in demand STEM disciplines and 21st century skills which are vitally important in today’s rapidly changing workplaces.
Ormiston College CLI Interior | Ormiston College CLI Exterior